Begonia ‘Fireworks’

Rex Begonia


Begonia ‘Fireworks’ is an evergreen, rhizomatous perennial with an upright habit, and magnificent, vibrant foliage of large, crinkled textural leaves with striking dark burgundy/purple centres, mauve/magenta edges and silvery pale green in the mid-section.  They blossom with lovely pink flowers. It’s a great plant to use in shady areas of the garden or in containers outside or indoors.  Indoors indirect bright light is best.  They do need some light to keep their spectacular colouring.

It likes well-draining rich soil in the shade with heaps of humidity.  Allow soil to dry out before watering, touch the soil and do not water if it’s still damp. Avoid having the plant in soggy conditions, you don’t want to the roots to get water-logged.

Feeding your potted plants monthly is a good idea with any good indoor plant food. Don’t feed at all over winter.

