Ground Cover Banksia
Banksia Blechnifolia

Banksia blechnifolia is a stunning prostrate shrub found in Western Australia that flowers in Spring. It is a slow growing ground cover, yet one of the hardiest WA plant species to cultivate. It looks beautiful growing in gardens due to its sculptural, serrated leaves and large, striking rust, pinkish to reddish brown flower heads or spikes known as inflorescences, which fade gradually to a cream colour base.
The plant’s horizontal branches spread along the ground plane and look attractive on an embankment, rockeries or spreading over a retaining wall. A low-maintenance shrub that looks amazing grown in pots and needs to be in a sunny spot. Perfect for Mediterranean style gardens, courtyards, poolside, coastal and container growing. Bees, birds, butterflies, and other insects find this plant irresistible. Like many other Australian natives this plant regenerates by seed after bushfire
Hakea Bucculenta
Hakea bucculenta is commonly known as ‘red pokers’ and is a large evergreen shrub in the family Proteaceae, which is endemic to Western Australia.
Eremophila lachnocalyx
A flowering plant in the figwort family Scrophulariaceae and is an erect, spreading shrub.
Banksia cuneate or Matchstick Banksia
Banksia cuneate is highly susceptible to damage from climate change and intensive urbanisation as well.
Pennisetum Alopecuroides ‘Nafray’
Native to Australia and not to be confused with the South African variety of Foxtail Grass (Pennisetum setaceum).
Macropidea fuliginosa
These flowering plants need a lot of sun and warmth and grow best in low-humidity dry air regions.
Eucalyptus Woodwardia
This non-allergenic accent tree loves the sun and attracts bees, butterflies and birds.
Melia Azedarach
White Cedar is native to Australia and South East Asia and it is a beautiful shade tree with a dense canopy that is extremely drought tolerant.
The Hakea Francisiana
A shrub of the genus Hakea from the Proteaceae family and is native to West and South Australia.
The Orange Banksia
This stunning species of shrub or tree is of the genus Banksia in the family of Proteaceae
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Banksia blechnifolia
Banksia blechnifolia is a stunning prostrate shrub found in Western Australia that flowers in Spring.