Silver Tree
Leucadendron Argenteum

Leucadendron agenteum or Silver Tree is a fast-growing small tree with spectacular silvery/sage green foliage that is consistent all year round. You can prune it to an ideal shape and size and it’s perfect for cut flowers and looks amazing in any style garden – although it is particularly great for coastal style, native and silver and/or white-themed gardens.
Classed as an endangered plant species in the family Proteaceae, it is endemic to a small area of the Cape Peninsula, South Africa. It is a protected tree in South Africa. This tree prefers to be in full sun and well-draining soil. The silver foliage transforms to silver flowers in Spring, showing a luminous glow in the sunshine.
Lagerstroemia, is commonly known as Crepe Myrtle and there is a genus of around 50 species of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs.
Cornus kousa ‘Chinensis
Dogwoods are part of the Cornaceae family, and they are a hardy adaptable tree.
Leucadendron argenteum
The Silver Dollar Maidenhair is an extremely attractive evergreen fern that looks like a Maidenhair with oversized foliage.
Agonis flexuosa
Agonis flexuosa is a beautiful species of tree that grows in the southwest region of Western Australia and is also known as Peppermint Willow.
Allauadia procera
Like snakes on a Medusa’s head, the stems often fork off in a pendulous direction before curving back upwards.
Eucalyptus Woodwardia
This non-allergenic accent tree loves the sun and attracts bees, butterflies and birds.
The Orange Banksia
This stunning species of shrub or tree is of the genus Banksia in the family of Proteaceae
The Waxvine
The Pincushion Hakea grows to an attractive large shrub or small tree that is native to south-western Australia and is a great street, screening and hedging plant.
Hydrangea Quercifolia
A dramatic statement in any garden, giving a glorious accent of woodland vibes to all gardens it grows in.